Dr Wow for schools and kindergartens

Our aim is both stimulate the thirst for science and develop already discovered curiosity. Our performances, for bigger audiences, are given in an attractive form, and combine play with learning. Children love to be taken by surprised and the show offers nearly magical experiments which are at the same time an illuminating adventure. In an intelligible way we present experiments that complement the knowledge gained at school.

As standard shows we propose a 45-minutes performance for groups up to 100 persons (max 3 classes). We require at least 3 succeeding performances in one school. We offer both a set of several meetings and individual performances We may also adjust the show to make it a wonderfull surprise for the integration of new pupils, beginning of the new year, Day of the Teacher, Day of the Earth, a prize for competition winners, an opening of a new classroom or laboratory or any other event.. Each occasion is good. In a wide offer of dr Wow shows everyone may find one that suits his needs best!

"Cut to size" performances

Adjusted to specific occasion or needs programme may be a nice surprise for an integration days, starting of new school year, celebrating Children's Day, Teachers? Day, Education Day, Earth Day, openining a new laboratory, etc. For private schools and kindergardens that want to stand out we offer our dedicated shows as a form of promotion, taking part in "open doors" day or in presentation in the educational fairs. Any occasion is good. Everyone may find something interesting in a wide performances offer of Dr Wow.
